
Great Adventures in European Cooking

The pupils from St. Sofronii Vrachanski Primary school made a European table with dishes of different places of our Union and shared our cooking experience.
Firstly each class found information about dishes of Europe. We looked for the typical dishes of all the European countries on the Internet. Then we invited our 5 European partners in LLP"Young gardeners for mutual understanding" to send us recipes of the dishes they prefer. On 9 May we cooked all together 6 different dishes. We prepared and laid a table with various European dishes. We invite you to try the European cuisine. We had fun in a real adventure while cooking.
Excellent chocolate French tart cooked by the pupils of 2-g class.
We enjoyed the wonderful lunch with salads and dishes from the different countries. Then we went for a pleasant walk in the Comenius garden in the school, which is lovely to be visited after lunch. The garden flowers were collected from the partner countries- France,England, Spain, Italie, Poland.

Thanks to our friends who introduced their best recipes to all of us. Now we will have colorful beautiful flowers and will try various delicious dishes. May all of us have a healthy body, healthy soul, and healthy environment.


The pupils were waiting impatiently for the first sprouts and took good care of them. Look how big and nice they are!

Polish garden

We received the seeds from partner schools in winter time, so we put some of the seeds into the special pots with the compost in the classroom.


Le jardin éphémère

Our garden "in the city" is finally ready! The children come to make their plantations under the sun!

Notre jardin "en ville " est enfin terminé... Vive les plantations et le soleil!