
Here are some French slogans and logos. We worked on recycling...

These are 4 of the 10 drawings selected by the school jury!


The campaign in a school hall


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Young Gardeners for Mutual Understanding


So called “container” for used batteries and the name of company “Reba”, which organised the campaign DSC00847


Collection of used batteries

At last... We received the container, actually it was a paper box, for used batteries. We planned to join this national action of collection used batteries a long time ago and finally we were lucky. On 16 January the pupils' selfgoverment with its leader - the teacher of Polish Andrzej Nazarko organised a real campaign in a school hall. The idea of this campaign was closely connected with sustainable development. To encourage pupils to collect the batteries, not to throw them in a bin, there was a kind of "award": every pupil, who brings five batteries, gets a box of tissues.
Photos attached.

Horyniec-Zdrój, Poland


November 2009: Meeting in Rome

Our meeting in Rome at "Gaio Cecilio Secondo"school


Art Competition

Happy New Year!

Please remember that 5 enteries from each country for the art competition need to be sent to England by 20th January, 2010!



Happy New Year 2010 to all young gardeners!
